Spike: Gem of Amara, Official Sponsor of my killing you
from The Harsh Light of Day (Season 4)
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(resume. Buffy is still on the ground. Spike is gloating.)

SPIKE: Innit a fantastic day? Birds singing, squirrels making lots of rotten little squirrels. Sun beaming down in a nice, non-fatal way. It's very exciting. I can't wait to see if I freckle.

(Buffy grabs her stake and jumps up. Scuffle. She stakes him, but nothing happens.)

SPIKE: Oh, do it again. It tickels. You know, in a good way.

(Buffy withdraws the stake and he heals)

SPIKE: The gem of amara.

(He holds up his hand, then backhands her whereupon she hits the ground again.)

SPIKE: Official sponsor, of my killing you.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: Jillian Tatterton . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 43

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