Giles: a good running-away-from
from The Yoko Factor (Season 4)
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(Spike walks calmly up to Giles apartment, and then rushes in, making it look like he was running the whole way)

SPIKE: I think I lost the buggers.

WILLOW: Any luck with the disks?

(He pulls out a few disks from the pockets of his flak jacket and commando pants.)

SPIKE: Took what they had. Should be something useful on one of them.

WILLOW: Hope so.

TARA: What are we looking for?

WILLOW: Anything about Adam.

(Giles is sitting at the bar, pouring himself a drink. He doesn't sound completely sober. )

GILES: (unconcerned) Were there any problems getting in and out?

SPIKE: No. I mean, a couple of them made me on the way out, but I took care of `em.

GILES: (sarcastic) Gave them a good running-away-from-them, did you?

SPIKE: Well, yeah. When do I get paid?

GILES: When Willow tells me you've brought us something useful.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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