Ryan to Wes: not good enough for Daddy, not good enough for the Council from I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
WESLEY: Omnis spiritus immunde. In nomine dei. Omnis spiritus in...
RYAN: Your Latin sucks.
WESLEY: I know your tricks. You’ll not deter me from doing what must be done.
RYAN: *You*? Do something? What makes you think you can do anything?
WESLEY: In odorem suavitatis. Tu autem effugare, diabole. Appropinquabit enim judicium dei.
RYAN: You couldn’t even ‘watch!’ Everyone knows you got fired because you couldn’t do anything right. Nothing's gonna make him proud of you.
WESLEY: Skimming the surface of my mind. *very* good. But a mere parlor trick. Here’s one for you (Puts down the bottle of Holy Water and thrusts a cross into Ryan’s face) How many crosses am I holding up? Omnis spiritus immunde. In nomine dei.
RYAN: (in Wesley’s voice) All those hours locked up under the stairs, and you still weren’t good enough. Not good enough for Daddy, not good enough for the Council.
WESLEY: (distracted) Omnis spiritus – Uh, that is to say.
RYAN: Lose your place? What makes you think these people want you around any more than the others did?
ANGEL: (entering) Because I invited him here.
RYAN: Then you’re stupider than he is.
WESLEY: Tu autem..
RYAN: Go ahead, Wesley, tell him why he’s a fool to trust you.
WESLEY: Effugare, diabole.
RYAN: (in Angel’s voice) Tell him how you plan to kill him.
WESLEY: (to ANGEL) That’s not true.
RYAN: Oh, no? He’s more afraid of you than he is of me.
WESLEY: I’ll show you fear!
(Wesley lunges towards Ryan with the cross held high, scuffing the circle with his foot. Ryan stabs him in the neck with it. Angel grabs Wesley, singes himself pulling the cross out of Wes. The demon laughs.)
written by: David Greenwalt & Jeanine Renshaw; Original transcript by anoymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: