Willow: I forgot my laptop and the disks.
from Primeval (Season 4)
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(Giles' place. knock at the door)

GILES: Oh...

(he opens the door to see Tara and Willow)


GILES: Hello. Um, oh, uh, pardon the robe. It's a bit of a late start.

WILLOW: Right.

TARA: I hope you're feeling all right, Mr. Giles.

GILES: Oh, yes, quite well, thank you. I'll--I'll probably have a brisk jog later on. Did you want something?

WILLOW: I forgot my laptop and the disks.

GILES: Uh, yes, please, please come in. Will you be working here? Uh, typing...talking? Because, um, that will be fine.

WILLOW: (smiling) No, that's okay.

(She takes her laptop and puts it in her bag. Giles looks at Tara, who smiles and nods. Willow comes back over to the two.)

WILLOW: Got 'em. So...see ya.

GILES: Right. Yes, well, good luck with--with all that.

WILLOW: Ok. Bye.

TARA: Bye.


(He closes the door.)

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Sean Johnson . Full transcript at:
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