Cordy to Connor: Faith cracked her whip and you liked it! from Orpheus (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
CONNOR: Yeah, that's what it looked like when Wesley brought her in.
CORDELIA: (chuckles, crosses her arms) Like she hasn't pulled that one before.
CONNOR: I don't think she was faking.
CORDELIA: So the slayer snagged Angelus? He's in the hotel? Is he locked up tight in the cage?
CONNOR: Don't worry, Cordy. I'll always protect you. And our family.
CORDELIA: That's sweet. Is he guarded?
CONNOR: Faith really did a number on him.
CORDELIA: (punches Connor, pushing him down) What the hell is it with you and Faith! As if I didn't see the way you looked at her. She cracked her whip, and you liked it. You were practically in her leather-clad lap!
CONNOR: No, I wasn't! And how'd you do that, anyway? What about the anti-demon spell?
CORDELIA: I told you, Connor, we're different. Me and your baby. But I guess you can't even be loyal to our bed, let alone our little family. I thought you were gonna be a better father than Angel was to you.
CONNOR: I will be. I would do anything for us. For you.
CORDELIA: (trying to cover, laughing her outburst off) Wow. Are my hormones out of whack, or what? Hello, crazy pregnant lady, out of line! Whoo! Why don't you go see how Faith is doing? Go on. I'm concerned. I want to know—
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: