All the lights?
from The Price (Season 3)
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GUNN: There's more than one?

ANGEL: Two, at least. Should probably assume there are more.

LORNE: Do we have to?

ANGEL: But at least we have one advantage.

CORDELIA: What, they glow in the dark? How's that supposed to help us, unless we shut off all the lights in the holy crap you're not serious.

ANGEL: These things are hard enough to kill as it is. I speared one and it was still strong enough to attack us and escape. If this makes them easier to find, I say we take the chance.

FRED: All the lights?

(Angel hands her the emergency lamp.)

ANGEL: Here. Take this and lock yourself up in the office. We still need answers, Fred.

FRED: Right.

GUNN: Boy, this just keeps gettin' funner and funner.

ANGEL: Glad to hear you're enjoying this, 'cause somebody's got to go down to the basement and shut off the power.

GUNN: (shaking his head) Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...

(cut to Angel guarding Gunn on the way down. They spot something moving...)


GUNN: (feigning nochalance) Oh. Rat.

CORDELIA: (calling down) Everything okay down there?

GUNN: (calling back) Oh, yeah! It's a party! (reaching up into darkness to flip switch) And here's the icing on the cake.

(meanwhile, upstairs in the office, a sluk attacks and enters Fred)

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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