Riley to Buffy: Maggie's dead, happy now?
from Goodbye Iowa (Season 4)
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(woods. crime scene)

RILEY: Buffy. Hey.

BUFFY: Hey. Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I know everyone came on pretty strong. And the Spike thing isn't as tweaked as it looked. Okay, maybe it is. But there's an explanation that almost makes sense. Hello? I'm apologizing here. And I think that's pretty big of me, considering I'm the one who was almost made a demon sandwich.

(He doesn't say anything.)

BUFFY: This is the part where you throw me a bone.

RILEY: Maggie's dead. Happy now?

BUFFY: How can you ask me that? Of course I'm not happy. What happened?

RILEY: (coldly) That's classified.

BUFFY: Classifi-- (realizes) The Polgara. It got her and escaped. Didn't it?

(Riley just nods.)

BUFFY: I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna find it and destroy it. (angry) And then you can stop asking me how happy all this death makes me!

(She walks away)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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