Groo to Cordelia: In my heart I have known the truth for some time.
from Tomorrow (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: Hi, honey. It's me! And I got your favorites: Tuna and ice cream. How about tonight you try *not* mixing it together?

(Drops her stuff on the table and turns to see Groo standing in the bedroom, wearing a brown leather jacket)

CORDELIA: Oh, there you are. Wow. You like nice!

(Groo slowly raises his head to look at her. )

CORDELIA: What's wrong?

GROO: I am. Wrong. For you.


GROO: I am not the one you love. He is.

CORDELIA: He is? Who he?

(Cut to Angel, answering a knock on his door)

ANGEL: Yo. Hey! Lorne. Come on in.

LORNE: Well, you're in a good mood.

ANGEL: Yeah. I'm taking the kid to the movies. He's gonna love it.

LORNE: Oh. No subtitles or dreary Leitmotive, all bloody action?

ANGEL: You bet.

LORNE: Oh, he'll love you for it. Well, I thought, I'd stop by and say arrivederci, Angel-hair.

ANGEL: You're really going.

LORNE: I'm really going.

ANGEL: I'm sorry.

LORNE: Don't be. (Holds out a CD) Here, I got you a little something to remember me by.

(On the CD is a picture of Lorne, smiling while holding a microphone. Angel reads the title. )

ANGEL: Songs for the love - Lorne. Oh, I get it. Lovelorn, because your name is Lorne.

LORNE: Yeah, my publicist's idea. Her name is mud now but the tunes are good. And, ah, and that's not my real gift. This is: it's mutual.

(cut back and forth between Lorne talking to Angel, and Groo talking to Cordelia)

LORNE: The way you feel about Cordelia is pretty much *exactly* how she feels about you.

CORDELIA: I love Angel? What are you talking about? I - love... you know... us.

LORNE: You two are so obviously connected.

GROO: You finish each others...

LORNE: ...sentences. You laugh at the same...

GROO: ...jests. When he grieves, when he is hurting...

LORNE: ...her heart breaks for you.

GROO: In my heart I have known the truth for some time. I've just been - struggling - to find the courage to do what is right.

LORNE: Bubela, all I'm saying is: stay open. Connor's back. Your whole life is coming together. Sometimes things do work out. I got to skiddoo.

ANGEL: Take good care of yourself - and keep in touch.

LORNE: I'll drop you a line. Let you know where to send the gift basket.

(Lorne waves over his shoulder as he walks towards the door.)

CORDELIA: I don't know what to say, Groo.

GROO: Tell me I'm wrong. - That I should stay. - That you love only me.

(Cordy blinks away tears but stays silent. Blend into Groo picking up his bags. Blend into Cordy just standing there. Blend into Groo walking to the door. Blend into Groo turning to look back at Cordy just standing there. Blend into Groo leaving. Blend into Cordy standing there. )

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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