Gunn: They look like neighborhood cars to me.
from First Impressions (Season 2)
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(A car yard.)

CORDELIA: It isn't here.

GUNN: They wouldn't keep it here on the lot. New acquisitions are in the garage.

CORDELIA: Getting the full make-over I bet.

HENRY: What you looking for?

GUNN: '67 Plymouth convertible.

HENRY: Give me a few days. I'll see what I can do.

GUNN: Cordelia, meet Henry.

HENRY: New to the neighborhood?

CORDELIA: Er, someone stole my friends car tonight.

GUNN: '67 Plymouth?

HENRY: Wasn't me. Convertible you said?

GUNN: Yeah.

HENRY: Desmond's your man. He can't pass up old convertibles. You should talk to him.

GUNN: (to Cordelia) Come on.

HENRY: You won't find him at his shop. Tito's having a party. Everyone's invited. Desmond'll be there.

GUNN: Where'd you jack these cars from?

HENRY: Around.

GUNN: They look like neighborhood cars to me.

HENRY: Oh, I help you out and now you want to start something.

GUNN: Look, I told you, you wanna jack beemers in Brentwood, be my guest. But leave the neighborhood cars alone.

HENRY: Yeah, well business is business. You should think about minding your own.

GUNN: Things don't change I might have to put you out of business. Let's go.

(They leave, a big ugly demon comes up behind Henry.)

DEEVAK: I'm surprised you didn't wet yourself.

HENRY: Him? He's nothing, Deevak. Name's Gunn. He's under the false impression that he runs this town.

Deevak: I know who he is, the trouble he's caused. Tonight, it ends.

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written by: Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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