Riley: hey, that's enough!
from New Moon Rising (Season 4)
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RILEY: Hey, he's coming to. Oz!

DOC 1: He won't be able to talk for a while. We gave him Haldol to keep him quiet.

RILEY: Why? He's not a threat now.

DOC 1: I allowed you to stay as long as you let us do our work, Agent Finn. Only Colonel Macnamara can place a cease order on medical testing, and he's told us to proceed.

DOC 2: I always suspected that stuff about werewolf transformations being based on a lunar cycle was campfire talk.

RILEY: Oh, hey, that's enough. Come on, the guy's a student, I know him.

DOC 1: Take him out.

COMMANDO 3: Yes sir.

Doc 2 puts the tip of the instrument on Oz's chest and zaps him with electricity. Oz screams and turns into the werewolf.

DOC 2: See that? Transformation related to negative stimulation.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 12

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