Giles: I assure you, I am in complete control of my Slayer
from Revelations (Season 3)
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GILES: Ah! Yes. There we are. There's a wood engraving. See? The Glove of Myhnegon.

Gwendolyn: Yes, engraved by Father Theodore of Wolsham.


Gwendolyn: Based, I believe, on very sketchy and unreliable folk legends. The pictures are fun to look at, Mr. Giles, but one really ought to read the nice words as well.

GILES: Ah. Yes. Some tea, perhaps?

Gwendolyn: I know that you must find me tiresome, but it's insidious, really. A person slips up on the little things, and soon everything has gone to Hell in a handbasket. (rejects Giles' tea bag, pulls out her own from her purse) For example... Buffy, your Slayer...

GILES: Mrs. Post... I can assure you that Buffy is both dedicated and industrious, and I am in complete control of my Slayer.

XANDER: Giles! We have a big problem. It's Buffy.

GILES: Will you excuse us?

Gwendolyn: Would you like some assistance?

GILES: Thank you. That won't be necessary.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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