Xander: they think I'm a useless lunk
from The Yoko Factor (Season 4)
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SPIKE: It doesn't work? What about self-defense? I'm taking a risk here, you know?

XANDER: Can I tell you how much I really . . don't care?

SPIKE: (warningly) Attitude. See how far that'll take you in boot camp. Say, I hope you get one of those toughs-as-nails drill sergeants who's only hard on the men because he's trying to keep them alive when the bullets start flying. I love that stuff.

XANDER: Boot camp? Yeah. Like I'd go there.

SPIKE: What, you changed your mind? Not gonna join?

ANYA: (angry) You're joining the Army!?

XANDER: (to Anya) Okay, one-- Ow. (to Spike) Two-- Where'd you get that idea? (to Anya) Three-- OW! I'm not joining the army!

ANYA: Oh, good. Stopped that nonsense just in time.

XANDER: I was never--

XANDER: Who'd you hear this from?

SPIKE: Oh, your girlie-mates were talking. Something about, uh, being all you can be. Or all *you* can be. And having laugh. Figured you were signing up. Say, have you got anything larger in the . . toy gun line?

XANDER: "All I can--" Can you believe this!? Like I'm some sort of useless lunk. It happens I'm good at a lot of things. I help out with all kinds of . . . stuff. I have skills . . . and . . . stratagems. I'm very . . . (looks to Anya) Help me out.

ANYA: (nonchalant) He's Viking in the sack.

SPIKE: (not caring) Terrific. (indicates the clothes in his hands) You didn't have these cleaned after the last time, did you?

XANDER: This is so like them, lately. It's all about them and the college life. Well, you know what college is? It's high school only without the actual going to class. Well . . high school was kinda like that too. But the point is, I'm out there working hard to make a living. It's nothing but a huge joke to them. Xander got fired from Starbucks. Xander got fired from that phone-sex line.

ANYA: They look down on you.

XANDER: And they hate you.

ANYA: But they don't look down on me.

SPIKE: Hey, it was just a laugh. There's no need to go insane over it.

(Xander glares menacingly at him.)

XANDER: Is anybody talking to you?

SPIKE: (mock gasp) Sir, no sir.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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