Faith to Spike: I've met you before, you know...
from Dirty Girls (Season 7)
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(Faith escapes the noisy house for a secluded basement smoke)

SPIKE: You craving a moment alone in the dank, or can I bum one?

FAITH: Well, I guess you can smoke all you want?the big C not really an issue. (hands her cigarette to Spike)

SPIKE: Teeth get yellow after an eternity. Gotta watch that.

FAITH: Huh. (looks at the chains and shackles on the wall behind Spike's cot)

SPIKE: (following her gaze) Right. Not what it looks like.

FAITH: Hey, to each his own, man. This one guy I ran with, he liked me to dress up like a school girl and take this friggin' bull-whip, and I'd be like?

SPIKE: I got dangerous...for a while.

FAITH: This before the soul, or after?

SPIKE: After, but I got over it... in case you're feeling all dust-happy again after your long incarceration.

FAITH: (smiles) Not if you're all repenty. Takes the fun out of it. (beat) No more Starbucks for the wannabe's man. They've been spazzing for, like, hours.

SPIKE: Yeah, does get a bit much up there.

FAITH: They're good girls. Just green is all.

SPIKE: So, why aren't you up there...imparting?

FAITH: That's Buffy's thing. Anyway, I just spent a good stretch of time locked away with a mess of female-types. Kinda had my fill.

SPIKE: Hm. But you waited until Angel needed your help to bust out of jail.

FAITH: Three squares, nice weight room, movie every third Sunday. Could've been worse.

SPIKE: What movie?

FAITH: Last one was Glitter. (Spike raises an eyebrow at her) I guess it couldn't have been worse.

SPIKE: You had the power to walk away anytime. Nothing to stop you.

FAITH: *I* stopped me. I got dangerous for a while.

SPIKE: You over it?

FAITH: More or less. I pull for the good guys now.

SPIKE: What's the less?

FAITH: (grins coyly) The usual stuff...

SPIKE: Such as?

FAITH: I was thinking about looking up the guy with the bull-whip. Long incarceration.

SPIKE: You could do better. School girl thing's old hat.

FAITH: It's all old-hat, man. Every guy's got some whack fantasy. Scratch the surface of any granola-type dude?naughty nurses and horny cheerleaders. I figure, if you can't beat 'em?

SPIKE: Join 'em.

FAITH: Just don't forget who's on top.

SPIKE: That, I suspect, would be you.

FAITH: You got that right. (walks over to Spike's cot, sits beside him) I've met you before, you know.

SPIKE: Yeah, you made a great impression on my chin.

FAITH: Not in the graveyard. Before that. I was kinda wearing a different body.

SPIKE: Pity.

FAITH: You seemed OK with it.

SPIKE: (realizing) The body swap. With Buffy.

FAITH: She fill you in on that whole deal?

SPIKE: She told me it went down. Failed to mention who was driving her skin around.

FAITH: I may have said a few things...

SPIKE: Like you could ride me at a gallop 'til my knees buckle, squeeze me 'til I pop like warm champagne. That's not the kind of thing a man forgets.

FAITH: Should've known it wasn't blondie behind the wheel. She'd never throw down like that.

SPIKE: Oh, you *have* been away.

FAITH: Don't even tell me little Miss Tightly-Wound's been getting her naughty on?!?!

SPIKE: Not of late.

FAITH: Wow. Everybody's just full of surprises.

(Buffy arrives, glares)

FAITH: Hey, B.

BUFFY: Well, it's nice to see you two getting along so well.

FAITH: Yeah. Uh, you just know all the cool vampires.

BUFFY: Yeah.

SPIKE: Hey, aren't you usually at work 'bout now?

BUFFY: I kind of decided to cut back on my hours.

DAWN: (calling down) Buffy? Is that you?

BUFFY: (yells back to Dawn) Down here. (to Spike) Figured I'd be better off focusing on what's going on around here.

DAWN: Buffy, Willow just called from the hospital. The girl's awake.

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written by: Drew Goddard; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 47

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