Willow Dream: your whole family's in the front row
from Restless (Season 4)
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(backstage, people in costume. Harmony runs up to Willow; She's dressed as a Swedish Milkmaid with two braids.)

HARMONY: Isn't this exciting? Our first production! I can't wait till our scene! I love you! Oh!

(she hugs Willow. Suddenly drops the fake friendly act.)

HARMONY: Don't step on my cues.

WILLOW: Production?

(We see Buffy peeking out through the curtain at the audience. She runs over to Willow and Harmony. She's dressed as the lead character in Chicago: short straight black hair, short tight black dress.)

BUFFY: Ohmigod. The place is packed. Everybody's here! Your whole family's in the front row, (cheerful) and they look really angry.

WILLOW: There's a production?

HARMONY: (rubbing Willow's shoulders) Oh, somebody's got stage fright.

WILLOW: Isn't this the first class?

(Riley approaches, dressed as a cowboy.)

RILEY: Well, you showed up late, or you'd have a better part. (Smiling) I'm Cowboy Guy.

BUFFY: (to Willow) Your costume is perfect. (Whispers) Nobody's gonna know the truth. You know, about you.

WILLOW: (bemused) Costume?

BUFFY: (pouting) You're already in character! Oh, I shoulda done that!

(Stomps foot, turns away)

WILLOW: But how come there's - I mean, I was given to understand that a drama class would have, you know ... drama class. I mean, we haven't even rehearsed!

HARMONY: (snorts) Well, maybe some people haven't.

RILEY: I showed up on time, so I got to be Cowboy Guy.

WILLOW: (to Buffy) I just think it's really early to be putting on a play. I, I don't even know what... (Eyes widen) This isn't Madame Butterfly, is it, because I have a whole problem with opera.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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