Gunn: We brought Angelus into the world, it's our job to take him out of it.
from Calvary (Season 4)
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GUNN: Connor's on point. Three party follow-up. Me, Wes, and Fred in the truck. Cordy?

CORDELIA: I don't understand how the spell didn't work.

LILAH: Dead ex machina. There's a surprise.

GUNN: Cordy.

CORDELIA: We'll be fine. Go. He'll want to feed—a lot.

WESLEY: Our only advantage is Angelus might think we want to capture him. I think we're all agreed that's not an option anymore.

GUNN: Angelus is on the loose 'cause we brought him in this world. It's our job to take him out of it.

WESLEY: Take the shot, any shot you can get.

LILAH: Now you're playing my song.

(cocks her handgun)

FRED: I don't know if I—

GUNN: You will.

CONNOR: Let's go, while his trail's still hot.

(walks out)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell & Steven S. DeKnight & Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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