Ethan to Giles: Hello Ripper
from The Dark Age (Season 2)
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WILLOW: I'm not gonna get close enough to feel his pulse, but... he looks dead.

XANDER: Except for the walking and attacking Buffy part.

Ethan: He's dead. Sorry, Philip. Really I am.

GILES: (arriving) Is everyone alright?

CORDELIA: Super! (proud of herself) I kicked a guy!

JENNY: We're okay.

XANDER: Deadguy here interrupted our tutorial. (to Philip) Been meaning to thank you for that.

GILES: It can't be!

Ethan: Yes, it can. Hello, Ripper.

GILES: I thought I told you to leave town.

Ethan: You did. I didn't. Shop's lease is paid till the end of the month.

CORDELIA: Uh, why did he call him Ripper?

(Giles grabs Ethan by the hair on the back of his neck and lifts him out of his chair.)

GILES: You should've left when I told you.

CORDELIA: Ohhhh...

BUFFY: Giles?!

GILES: You put these people in danger. The people I care about.

Ethan: If you cared so much about them, why didn't *you* leave town? You've been having the dreams, I know. I have. We both know what's coming.

BUFFY: What dreams?! What is going on here?!

Ethan: Tell her, Ripper.

BUFFY: Giles...

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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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