Angel: Gunn. The baby belongs to the Fell.
from Timebomb (Season 5)

DEMON: We sought this child for decades. We're not letting go of it now!

GUNN: Only the mother's consent will sanctify this transaction.

DEMON: That's exactly what we have.

GUNN: Oh yeah? Show it to me.

DEMON: It's an agreement in principle. The child is ours.

GUNN: I can tear that apart in a courtroom. Just watch me.

DEMON: But we're paying you!

GUNN: We're not taking your money!

(While Gunn argues with some of the brethren, the demon leader is talking with Hamilton.)

HAMILTON: I understand, Your Holiness. Fully.

DEMON: If this gets fouled here by that lunatic, our hordes will fall on this place. There won't be so much as an eyetooth left of any of them!

HAMILTON: Yes, well, that would be more... Angel's business than mine.

(gestures to Angel, who has just walked into the lobby)

DEMON: She won't make it through another day.

GUNN: You think we can't protect her?!

DEMON: The Fell are everywhere. We are a force of nature.

ANGEL: Gunn. The baby belongs to the Fell.

GUNN: What? She hasn't signed anything. There's nothing on paper.

(Angel ignores him)

ANGEL: (to Brethren) Gentlemen.

(he walks into the conference room, followed by the demon brethren)

GUNN: Angel. What are you doing?

ANGEL: What we're supposed to. Serve our clients.

(walks into the conference room, closing the door)

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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