from Surprise (Season 2)
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ANGEL: Where is she?

WILLOW: Shhh! I think I hear her coming.

(Buffy & a vamp crash through the window, she stakes him)

CORDELIA: Surprise!

OZ: That pretty much sums it up.

XANDER: (re Cordelia) Tch.

ANGEL: Buffy, are you okay?

GILES: Yes. W-what happened?

BUFFY: Uh, there were these vamps outs... W-what's going on?

GILES: Oh, um... A surprise party. (blows on a party favor)

CORDELIA: Happy Birthday.

BUFFY: You guys did all this for me? (to Angel) That is so sweet.

ANGEL: You sure you're okay?

BUFFY: Yes, I'm fine.

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written by: Marti Noxon; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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