Wesley: Angel's walked away from his duty. We're not going to.
from Redefinition (Season 2)
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(Dark alley.)

CORDELIA: I don't get it? Are we late? We didn't feel late in my head.

GUNN: Over here.

(Splashes of blood on the ground.)

CORDELIA: It's hers. It's got to be hers. But where is she?

GUNN: If we had Angel, we could track her.

CORDELIA: He'd also kill the big, spiny demon that took her. Did I mention its teeth are about three inches long?

GUNN: And us with no weapons? Man, I wish Angel was here.

WESLEY: Well, he's not! Angel's walked away from his duty. We're not going to.

CORDELIA: So how do we find her?

WESLEY: We start with basics. (Walks over and crouches.) First we examine the area for any tell tale signs for a particular kind of ...urrh.

GUNN: There's different kinds of yeuch?

(Wesley's hand is covered with blood from touching the wall.)

WESLEY: No, look.

GUNN: He took her up there.

CORDELIA: But the building is abandoned. The front door was all chained up. How are we supposed to....

(They all look at the drain pipe.)

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written by: Mere Smith; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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