Gunn to Eve: You're just a messenger? Right, and I'm just a mild-mannered attorney.
from Destiny (Season 5)
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GUNN: (into radio) Yeah, I know she's a vampire. Just shoot her up with some elephant tranqs and put her in some kind of restraints. Uh...yeah. Whatever. That's OK. Just, look get it done. Over and, you know, out.

EVE: Always something with this place, huh? I mean, ghost fights, id monsters, killer cyborgs. It's a wonder with all the hijinks you people ever get any work done.

(takes a robot figurine off the shelf and looks at it)

GUNN: Funny, you always seem to be around for the...hijinks.

EVE: Lucky, I guess.

GUNN: Yeah? And what else are you, Eve? Besides lucky.

EVE: (innocently) Am I supposed to know what that—

GUNN: Playing like you're just a fresh young thing from Santa Cruz who somehow winds up connected to the senior partners of Evil, Incorporated.

EVE: Never said I was from Santa Cruz. Just went to school there. And if we're talking about being connected, Charles, you're the guy that talks to the cat upstairs.

(Through the window in the background, a man is seen walking menacingly toward Gunn's office wielding a fireman's axe.)

EVE: I think that makes you a lot more connected to this place than I'll ever be. As far as the senior partners are concerned, I'm just a messenger.

GUNN: Right. And I'm just a mild-mannered attorney.

(A security guard topples the axe-wielding man right before he gets to Gunn's office window. Eve and Gunn turn to look at the commotion, but don't see the men on the floor. Gunn takes the robot from Eve.)

GUNN: Don't be fingerin' the robots.

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written by: David Fury & Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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