finding D'hoffren's portal burn
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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(cut to Willow walking down the hallway in Stevenson Hall. She walks into her room and is snatched up by a demon, placing one hand on each side of her head, causing electricity-like bolts to wind around her head. Cut to Buffy, Spike, Xander, and Anya walking down the hallways of Stevenson Hall)

XANDER: (Indicating Spike) Why does he have to come?

BUFFY: Xander, Spike is going to be my husband. I want him included.

SPIKE: I agree with Xander here. Seems like a lot of work for people who aren't us.

BUFFY: Spike, these are my friends. Besides, it's kinda my job.

SPIKE: (Pats her hand) For now.

BUFFY: What? You want me to stop working?

SPIKE: Let's see - do I want you to give up killing my friends? Yeah, give it some thought.

(Cut inside Buffy and Willow's dorm room. There's a large circle burnt into the carpet)

BUFFY: This is burned.

ANYA: D'hoffren. Bastard, he's opened a portal here.


SPIKE: Oh, fluffy.

(Cut to Spike, holding up one of Buffy's skirts - an orange one with orange fuzzy stuff around the bottom)

SPIKE: Wear this to the rehearsal dinner and the whole thing's off.

BUFFY: Shut-up, honey.

ANYA: D'hoffren. He made me a demon 1120 years ago.

BUFFY: Why would he attack Willow?

ANYA: I don't believe he did.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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