Kate: Oh, somebody is going to answer for this.
from Sense and Sensitivity (Season 1)
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(Cut to the Blue Bar. KATE is being greeted by several off-duty officers)

Homerun, Lockley. - Way to go! - Nice work, Lockley.

(Bartender sets an open beer in front of her, Kate reaches for money.)

BARTENDER: No, no, your Dad paid for the drink.

(Kate sits down at her Dad's table.)

LOCKLEY: Tony Papazian, huh?

KATE: Yeah.

LOCKLEY: Congratulations.

KATE: Thanks.

LOCKLEY: Here's hoping the bust doesn't fall apart before you finish filing the paperwork. Damn lawyers, huh?

KATE: (deflated) Yeah.

LOCKLEY: (looks up) Harlan.

HARLAN: (drops a page in front of Kate) You see this?

KATE: Sensitivity training?

HARLAN: Everyone's gotta take it. Word is, it's because of what you did to Papazian.

KATE: What *I* did? Oh, somebody's gonna answer for this.

HARLAN: Think they'll make us hug?

KATE: I'm not hugging you, sweat-boy.

LOCKLEY: Glad I'm getting out. In my day we didn't need any damn sensitivity.

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 12

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