Melissa to Ronald: You have to stop doing this
from I Fall to Pieces (Season 1)
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(Cut to Melissa walks up to ATM, tries twice to get money but her pin is invalid. Tall guy in suit, - short gray hair, bald on top ? moves to stand beside her)

RONALD: It won?t work. I changed your pin number. I mean, Melissa, your birthday? That?s the first thing a thief would try!

MELISSA: What are you doing here?

RONALD: I changed it to 3-5-99. The day we met.

MELISSA: You have to stop doing this.

RONALD: Stop looking after you? Why?

MELISSA: I don?t know what you want.

RONALD: Oh, I just want you to be happy and healthy, silly. Speaking of?are you losing weight? I think it?s the tranquilizers. How many did you take in the bathroom at work today, three?

MELISSA: How do you know what I did?

RONALD: (interrupts) I?ve got to be honest. I don?t see them helping with the anxiety. Now I prescribed a Calcium-Selenium supplement. Did you take it?


RONALD: No, you threw it in the drawer the minute you got home. These things are for your own good, Melissa.

MELISSA: Why can?t you just leave me alone?

RONALD: How can two people in love leave each other alone?

MELISSA: In love?! Ronald, we had one date?

RONALD: Honey, honey, don?t get upset! I take commitment pretty seriously, and I know you do, too. Did you have a rough day at work? Is that it? (Pager goes off) Oh, (looks at the number) surgery. I have to run. Oh, don?t forget your money, sweetheart. (when he leans in to kiss her she recoils. He pulls back) I?ll see you tonight.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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