Fred: Another dimension. I'm not crazy. Well, crazy, but I'm not wrong.
from Over the Rainbow (Season 2)
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(Cordy, now in rags, is in a stable shoveling flehegna manure and talking to herself.)

CORDELIA: I wanna go home. I wanna be in my bed. I wanna - order some Thai food and read the latest issue of Marie Claire. I wanna be doing anything but shoveling demon horse poop! (She yelps as her collar zaps her.) That woman has ears like a bat! There's got to be a way to get this thing off.

FRED: (as a voice from an unknown source) Don't do that!

CORDELIA: Who's there? (Steps into the empty box behind her) What do you want?

FRED: I forget. It's not important. But - but if you take the collar off, bad things will happen to your head.

(Cordy spots a hole in the wooden wall of the empty box and the ragged girl from the plaza peeking through it.)

FRED: Like it'll implode. So don't take the collar off, okay? Cause-cause I can't talk to you if you don't have a head, okay?

CORDELIA: Okay. A-are you a human?

FRED: Keep-keep shoveling! Go shovel. (Cordelia starts shoveling.) Where did you come from?

CORDELIA: Los Angeles. How long have you been here?

FRED: I was born here. I-I mean, not really. I j-just... some-sometimes I think I was. I mean, I don't think it was my thought. I forget certain words. How'd you get here?

CORDELIA: Hold on. Why don't you tell me where here is first?

FRED: Pylea. Keep shoveling! Geez!

(Cordy grabs the shovel again and pretends to shovel her head still close to the hole)

FRED: Another dimension. You're lost. I can tell. So many of us are lost even there. But - but it's true. I'm not crazy. Well, crazy, but I'm not wrong.

CORDELIA: So, how do I get out of here?

(Fred lets out something between a laugh and a sob.)

FRED: Oh. I forgot. Laughing. You don't. They use you as a slave. Then your body gives - zip! - Gone.

CORDELIA: Well, that's not happening to me, okay? I have friends back in LA. They're gonna come rescue me. Any time now.

FRED: I tried to get back. I didn't have the mass, which is strange because... How'd you get here?

CORDELIA: I'm pretty sure I, ah, I was sucked in by a portal.

FRED: A - a portal?


FRED: Where was it?

MAN: (from outside stable) Fugitive!

FRED: Oh no!

(Fred runs. Two demon men wearing the standard Pylea drab clothing run after her, while a third, wearing what looks like a uniform remains standing in the middle of the stable hallway.)

MEN: There she is. Get out! Get out!

CORDELIA: What's going on?

(The two men drag a struggling Fred back to the uniformed guy.)

FRED: Stop!

CORDELIA: What's going on?

(Another drab clad man grabs Cordy and pulls her out into the hallway.)

NARWEK: On your face, cow. On the floor.

FRED: No! No!

(The guy pushes her facedown on the floor.)

FRED: Let go of me. Stop! Stop!

NARWEK: A disabled collar. Clever little cow. You should have stayed in the woods!

(The two demon men drag Fred away.)

FRED: Let go! Let go!


NARWEK: Facedown!

(The guy standing over Cordy pushes her face back down into the dirt. After watching her for a moment to make sure she stays that way the constable and the other guy follow the others out of the stable.)

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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