Cordelia to Darla: If there's anything you need, anything at all...
from Offspring (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: How're you feeling?

DARLA: Just crazy.


DARLA: Why would anyone bring something into this world?

CORDELIA: (sympathetic) I was pregnant once. I was out to here - overnight! Mystical thing. I didn't go to term, but while it lasted, hooh! Talk about uncomfortable! Your back and legs hurt all the time and first you're sick to your stomach and you can't eat anything and then your ravenous! Are you able to eat or do you just...

DARLA: What? Drink?

CORDELIA: (suddenly uncomfortable) Well, it's - really none of my business, is it? - You should rest (Cordy gets up) and I should... I'll just be real close by. If there is anything that you need... (Darla morphs into vampface) Anything at all...

(Cordy is about to open the door, but Darla is suddenly there, holding the door shut.)

DARLA: I'm hungry all the time. It's weird.

CORDELIA: Sure. You're eating for two now. It's only natural.

DARLA: No, what's weird is - no matter how much I feed - I can't seem to get full.

(Cordy punches Darla hard across the face. Follows it up with a second punch, then pulls out a cross to ward Darla off.)

CORDELIA: Pregnant or not, you're *going* to keep your distance.

(Darla bats the cross aside, grabs Cordy and throws her across the room against a table. Then she clamps a hand over Cordy's mouth to prevent her from screaming and sinks her teeth into the side of Cordy's neck. As Darla bites her, Cordy gets hit by a vision. Darla backs away from her for a moment while we see flashes of some arcade, then lunges back in - only to get pulled back away by Angel.)

ANGEL: Get away from her!

Angel picks Cordy up and carries over to the bed.

ANGEL: You're gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright.


ANGEL: Cordy, you're gonna be all right. I'll kill her for this.

CORDELIA: You're gonna have to find her first.

(Darla is gone.)

ANGEL: (carrying Cordy's out to the others) She bit Cordy.

LORNE: Oh, sweetie, are you alright?

ANGEL: No. Where is she?

WESLEY: She got away.

GUNN: We tried to stop her by hitting her fists and feet with our faces, but...

ANGEL: We'll take Cordy to a safe place and we'll take care of Darla.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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