Buffy to Riley: hefty resume? It's no big, really.
from A New Man (Season 4)
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(campus. Riley is still reeling from the conversation earlier in prof Walsh's office)


BUFFY: Those are my best stories. And I didn't tell you the "Buffy breaks her butt" stories.

RILEY: But you've killed a-- You did the thing with that-- Uh, you drowned. And the snake! Not to mention the . . daily . . slayage of (pause) Wow.

BUFFY: It's no big, really. (cheerfully) Hey, who wants ice cream!

RILEY: Buffy. When I saw you stop the world from, you know, ending . . . I just assumed that was a big week for you. Turns out I suddenly find myself . . . needing to know the plural of "apocalypse."

BUFFY: Look. If you've been fighting since you were fifteen you'd have a hefty resume' too.

RILEY: (shocked) Fifteen!?

BUFFY: (winces) I know, "wow." The point is, that, that we have different amounts of experience. You know. And plus, I do have that whole preternatural Slayer strength deal.

RILEY: (nodding) I've seen. Don't get me wrong. The girls I grew up with could hold their own. But . . . I'm not even sure I could take you.

BUFFY: That all depends on your meaning.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 44

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