Nina to Angel: Don't tell me what you know. You didn't wake up and find out you're a monster.
from Unleashed (Season 5)
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(Nina wakes up naked in a cage)

NINA: Oh, God.

(she grabs her clothes and gets dressed. Angel enters.)

NINA: What—who are you?

ANGEL: It's OK. My name's Angel. You're safe now.

NINA: Safe? Oh. Well...great. That's...

(makes a run for it, but Angel grabs her)

NINA: Get off me! Let go of me! Help me, somebody!

ANGEL: What I'm trying to do, Nina, is help you.

NINA: Said the psycho rapist. How do you know my name? What do you want with me?

ANGEL: I just want you to see something.

(in Angel's office, Angel shows Nina footage of herself in werewolf form locked in the cage)

NINA: I don't— What am I supposed to be looking— God, what is that?

ANGEL: You don't remember?

NINA: Remember?

ANGEL: 2 nights ago... You were attacked... in the woods. You were jogging.

NINA: Jogging. Wait. Yeah. I remember that I... that thing attacked me.

ANGEL: Not exactly. I was in the area, I heard screams, but by the time I got there...

NINA: That was you. Yeah, I remember you... You saved me.

ANGEL: I was too late.

(On the video, the werewolf-Nina changes back to regular Nina)

NINA: Oh, my God.

ANGEL: It was a werewolf, Nina. And you were bitten.

NINA: No. This is... *insane*.

ANGEL: The bite already started a process. You may have already started to feel the effects: Distorted vision, heightened senses.

NINA: Blood. Jill, my sister, she was cooking meat. Oh, my God. I...I smelled the blood, it was making me...Oh, God, Amanda, my niece!

ANGEL: She's OK, and so's your sister.

NINA: No, you don't get it.

ANGEL: Nina, it's OK.

NINA: No, it's not!

ANGEL: You didn't—

NINA: I wanted to rip her throat out!

ANGEL: It wasn't you. It was that thing inside.

NINA: Oh, like there's a difference?

ANGEL: There is, a big one. I know this is a lot to —

NINA: Don't tell me what you know. You didn't wake up and find out you're You don't *know* anything.

ANGEL: I'm not a werewolf like you, but I—I know what it's like. I'm a... monster, too.

NINA: So...what? You're like a Frankenstein?

ANGEL: What!? No! I'm—I'm a vampire.

NINA: Vampire.

ANGEL: But I have a soul. I'm not evil, and neither are you.

NINA: But vampires kill people, and they—

ANGEL: Can control themselves if they want to. I do it every day. So can you. I'll help.

NINA: Can you...cure me?

ANGEL: No. But I can keep you safe.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited, formatted & checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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