Cassie: Tara couldn't come herself because of what you did
from Conversations With Dead People (Season 7)
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WILLOW: Tara, is it you?

CASSIE: She's sorry she couldn't come herself.

WILLOW: Why didn't she? I don't understand... I mean, if you can manifest yourself

CASSIE: She just can't.

WILLOW: Why not? I don't understand.

CASSIE: Because of what you did.


CASSIE: You killed people. You can't see her. That's just how it is. I'm sorry.

WILLOW: But?But she's talking to you? And-and she can hear me? Tara? Tara, I miss you. I miss you so much. (to Cassie) Can she hear me? What's happening. Did she say anything? What? Did she go away?

CASSIE: She's crying.

WILLOW: No. No, don't cry. Don't cry, sweetie. Talk to me.

CASSIE: She misses you, too. She wishes she could touch you.

WILLOW: Me too. Oh, me, too. Oh, God, Tara, it hurts so much. Everyday, it's like this giant hole, and it's not getting better.

CASSIE: It will. It can.

WILLOW: How? You're gone.

CASSIE: But you're not. You're strong, like an Amazon, remember?

WILLOW: I do. I remember.

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written by: Jane Espenson & Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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