Buffy: If I were Abbott & Costello...
from Fear Itself (Season 4)
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( Buffy and Co. walk up to the house. Before they enter, Oz turns and addresses the group)

OZ: Let the horrors begin.

(Cut to Guy # 2 running down a corridor)

Guy 2: God, help me!?

(He falls down the steps and lands in a lifeless heap at the bottom.)

VOICE:: Release me!?

(Cut to Buffy and Co. entering the silent haunted house.)

XANDER: The joint's not jumping. Where is everybody?

(Mechanical laughter comes from a head with one eye hanging from its socket sitting in a punch bowl on a table next to the door.)

OZ: Follow the signs.

BUFFY: (re severed head) Terrifying. If I were Abbott and Costello this would be fairly traumatic.

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written by: David Fury; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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