Faith & Wesley return from the Council's evaluation
from Doppelgängland (Season 3)
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FAITH: (sarcastically) Well, that was a blast.

GILES: How did it go?

FAITH: (points at Wesley behind her) Princess Margaret here had a little trouble keeping up.

GILES: (to Wesley) How did it go?

WESLEY: (panting heavily) Faith, uh... (pants) did quite well on the obstacle field. (pants) Still a little sloppy, though.

GILES: Do you feel up to, uh, taking Buffy out, or shall I?

WESLEY: (pants) Oh, no, no, no. (pants) I'll be fine. (pants) Just give me a minute. (pants) And some defibrillators, if it's (pants) not too much trouble.

FAITH: You're gonna love it, B. It's just like fun, only boring. (grimaces)

GILES: (sternly) Faith, this evaluation is a necessary part of the Council's...

FAITH: (apologetically) I know. I'm on board here. Just shooting my mouth off.

BUFFY: I better change.

FAITH: Good luck.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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