Wes: Tezcatcatl was defeated by 5 heroes. Brothers. They were the champions of that time.
from The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco (Season 5)
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WESLEY: It's an Aztec demon named Tezcatcatl. We don't know a lot about it yet. Our codex is missing several key pictographs. What we do know is that it's been here before—50 years ago to the day.

ANGEL: The day of the dead.

WESLEY: Yes, though that may be a coincidence. I'll know better once we determine why it's here in L.A. or what it wants. Wolfram & Hart has a brief record of what happened. According to this, Tezcatcatl rose in the same place, East Los Angeles, killed over a dozen people before it was finally defeated.

ANGEL: Defeated?

WESLEY: Yes, by 5 heroes. Brothers. They were the champions of that time.

ANGEL: They destroyed the demon?

WESLEY: Yes, but at quite a price. The brothers were all killed. All but one.

SPIKE: Not to be captain obvious, but... either the brothers didn't really finish the demon off, or it's figured out a way to come back from wherever they sent it. Either way, best of luck, mate.

ANGEL: You said one of the brothers survived. Is he still alive?


ANGEL: OK then, I'll talk to him. I'm sure he'll want to help. Do we have his number?

WESLEY: As a matter of fact, we do.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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