Buffy introduces herself to Willow
from Welcome to the Hellmouth (Season 1)
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BUFFY: Uh, Hi! Willow, right?

WILLOW: Why? I-I mean, hi! Uh, did you want me to move?

BUFFY: Why don't we start with, 'Hi, I'm Buffy,' and, uh, then let's segue directly into me asking you for a favor. It doesn't involve moving, but it does involve hanging out with me for a while.

WILLOW: But aren't you hanging out with Cordelia?

BUFFY: I can't do both?

WILLOW: Not legally.

BUFFY: Look, I really wanna get by here, new school, and... Cordelia's been really nice... to me... anyway, but, um, I kinda have this burning desire not to flunk all my classes, and I heard a rumor that you were the person to talk to if I wanted to get caught up.

WILLOW: Oh, I could *totally* help you out! Uh, if you have sixth period free we could meet in the library?

BUFFY: Or not. Or we could meet someplace quieter. Louder. Uh, that place just kinda gives me the wiggins.

WILLOW: Oh, it has that effect on most kids. I love it, though, it's a great collection, and the new librarian is really cool.

BUFFY: He's new?

WILLOW: Yeah, he just started. He was a curator at some British museum, or, or The British Museum, I'm not sure. But he knows everything, and he brought all these historical volumes and biographies, and am I the single dullest person alive?

BUFFY: Not at all.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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