Buffy: Owen! You can't be here!
from Never Kill a Boy on the First Date (Season 1)
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Owen: This is so cool!

BUFFY: Uh, Owen! You can't be here!

Owen: Oh, and I suppose you guys are allowed? What are we doin' here? Are we gonna see a dead body?

BUFFY: Possibly several. (to Xander and Willow) Guys, watch him.

Owen: Is she mad?

WILLOW: Oh, she just wants to make sure there're no guards so we don't get in trouble.

Owen: Good thinking.

XANDER: (to Willow) Good thinking.

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written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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