Doyle: You're stepping on my moment of manliness here.
from The Bachelor Party (Season 1)
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(Cut to Angel Investigations. Doyle enters with Topknot vamp following him. Pierce and Cordelia pull up in front.)

PIERCE: I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I was hoping we could make a night of it.

CORDELIA: Me, too. I really wanted to hear the end of the story about the pigs and beans.

PIERCE: Don't you want me to take you home?

CORDELIA: My car is here.

PIERCE: Oh, wait, let me walk you. I'm, ah, not really sure about this neighborhood.

TOPKNOT: (in vamp face) You're right, - it's crappy!

(Cordelia and Pierce scream. Topknot grabs Cordelia. Pierce jumps into car and burns rubber.)


DOYLE: (aiming crossbow at Topknot) Hey! I'm the one you followed here. It's me you want.

TOPKNOT: Stay close. You'll get your turn.

(Doyle shoots Topknot in the left foot. They fight. Doyle dusts Topknot.)

DOYLE: (to Cordelia) Are you okay?

CORDELIA: I'm fine. That was... You were so - brave.

DOYLE: You think you could say that again without so much shock in your voice? You're stepping on my moment of manliness here.

CORDELIA: I'm sorry. I'm just...

DOYLE: Surprised?

CORDELIA: Grateful.

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written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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