Cordelia: And this whole 'I'm Angel' thing is a very, very bad idea.
from Guise Will Be Guise (Season 2)
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GUNN: At gun point?

CORDELIA: Yes! The point of a gun. He just walked Wesley right out of here. And this whole "I'm Angel" thing is a very, very bad idea. I mean, if I thought *that* would work, *I* could've been Angel, because guess what, pretty much a girly name.

GUNN: Were'd they go?

CORDELIA: I don't know. I tried to follow, but I lost them.

GUNN: Great. So what's the plan?

CORDELIA: The plan is, you go get Angel from the Swami place, I track down Wesley. This guy that took him, pretty distinctive, maybe I can find a criminal record, known associates -- ooh! Mug shots!

GUNN: I better get started. It's gonna take me a long time to find this place.

CORDELIA: Gunn -- this thug-guy is bad news. I really hate to think where Wesley may be right now.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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