Glory: something you love dies bloody
from Checkpoint (Season 5)
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GLORY: (grins) Ooh, I like her. She's sassy. (pauses, gets serious) And I'll kill her. I'll kill your mom, I'll kill your friends ... and I'll make you watch when I do. (sighs) Just give me the key. You either have it or you know where to find it. Obviously, this is a one-time-only deal. Next time we meet, something you love dies bloody. You know you can't take me. You know you can't stop me.

(She drops the poker on the floor and leaves. Buffy watches her go with a grim expression. Joyce enters. )

JOYCE: Buffy, who was that?

BUFFY: Pack a bag.

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written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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