Skip: This is where it happened, big cosmic whoops. Doyle was Never meant to give you those visions.
from Birthday (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: Is this...? This is a Mall.

SKIP: We just figured you'd be more comfortable here.


SKIP: The Powers That Be.

CORDELIA: The Powers That Be popped me out of my body and sent me to a Mall?

SKIP: Actually, this is more a construct of a Mall. You know, like in the Matrix.

CORDELIA: You've seen the Matrix.

SKIP: Oh, love that flick. When Trinity is all 'dodge this' and the agent just crumples to the (Cordelia sighs) and I'm not really instilling any *awe* anymore, am I?

CORDELIA: Why did you bring me here?

SKIP: To give you a choice. But, we'll get to that later. Right now there is something I want you to see.

(Skip touches an info-TV-screen, a picture of Doyle appears.)

CORDELIA: Oh my God. Doyle.

(They watch the kiss that transferred the visions from Doyle to Cordelia.)

SKIP: This is where it happened, big cosmic whoops. Doyle was never meant to give you those visions.

CORDELIA: The why did the Powers let him?

SKIP: Well, they're usually pretty good at catching that sort of thing. What they didn't count on were his feelings for you.

CORDELIA: You mean - Doyle gave me the visions because - he loved me?

SKIP: I can't answer that. What I *can* tell you is that it was a mistake.

CORDELIA: But I thought the Powers That Be knew everything.

SKIP: Life and death, that sort of thing, they got a handle on. Who someone chooses to love, well, that's just good old free will. See Cordelia, the visions are an ancient, powerful force. Demons are the only ones who can withstand them.

CORDELIA: But I've had them for more than two years now. Doesn't that mean I'm strong?

SKIP: Strong, yes. Demon, no. Just ask Tammy here.

CORDELIA: Tammy where?

(Skip steps aside revealing a peasant girl.)
TAMMY: (Cockney accent) 'Ello, Miss?

SKIP: This is Tammy. She had the visions back in... sixteen thirty?

TAMMY: Aye. 'Ad 'em well nigh on a year, and a hellish year it was, too. Town fathers called me a witch, wanted to burn me at the stake.

CORDELIA: They killed you because you had visions?

TAMMY: No, miss. They didn't 'ave to. Last vision I 'ad blew out the back of me skull. (Tammy turns to show missing skull to Cordelia) We wasn't meant to have the visions, us humans. Look, you want my advice, you listen to our man Skip here. He won't steer you wrong, this one.

SKIP: (smiles) Aw, get out of here. (Turns serious) Really. Get out. I've got work.

(Tammy leaves.)

SKIP: You okay?

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written by: Mere Smith; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source for this site by Ann. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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