Xander: beat the address out of Willy the snitch
from Enemies (Season 3)
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WESLEY: This demon could be anywhere. If these books are important as he says, he has good reason to hide. (Xander enters) Finding him is going to be extremely difficult.

XANDER: Found your demon.

BUFFY: Fashion tip, Wes. Mouth looks better closed.

XANDER: Got the address. (hands Buffy a slip of paper) I beat it out of Willy the snitch personally.

BUFFY: You beat up Willy?

XANDER: Sure! Well, actually, let's just say I applied some pressure. Or more accurately, that I asked politely, and then, uh, okay, I bribed him.

BUFFY: How much?

XANDER: Twenty-eight bucks. (to Giles) Does the Council reimburse for that kind of stuff?

GILES: Did you get a receipt?


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