Cordy's vision: Knife in the eye
from Dead End (Season 2)
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JOSEPH: (An ordinary extra in his kitchen.) Am I a lucky guy or what? I get to meet with the board and get the quarterlies out all in the same day.

WIFE: Morning, sweetie. Hungry?

JOSEPH: Hmm, no time.

WIFE: Ah, have a muffin.

JOSEPH: Where's my sugar? (His little daughter hugs him. His son comes over, holding out a hand.) And a manly handshake. (Pulls him into a quick hug) Come here. (Checks watch.) Oh. We're late. We're late.

WIFE: I'll go start the van. Jesse, you can take your vitamins in the car. Hayley, don't forget your homework. Come on. Let's go.

(Joseph is left alone in the kitchen, reading the morning paper.)

WIFE: (from outside) Hayley, where are your books?

JOSEPH: (spotting book-bag) I got them!

WIFE: And the vitamins?

JOSEPH: I got them, too. Just keep going.

(Joseph slings the book bag over his shoulder and still reading his newspaper, reaches for the vitamins sitting on the counter. Instead his hand closes around a big butcher knife lying next to them.)

SON: Come on, dad, we're gonna be late!

(Never taking his eyes off the newspaper he stabs himself in the right eye with the knife. The scene turns blurry and we see Cordy reeling with the vision of Joseph stabbing himself.)

ANGEL: (Catching her) Cordelia. Cordelia. Cordy! Get her some water. Okay. What is it? What did you see? Easy. Easy. You're okay.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 12

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