(St. Petersburg, 1905) Vengeance is what I am from Selfless (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
TITLE CARD: St. Petersburg, 1905.
HALFREK: I swear, I'm in awe of you.
ANYA: Oh, stop.
HALFREK: Oh, I will not.
ANYA: I grant wishes. It's all inside the girl. I just bring it out.
HALFREK: Yes, I'm sure this is what she had in mind.
ANYA: Well, I don't know about her mind, but it was in her heart. Besides, Russia was ready to explode. All we did is just give it a little push.
HALFREK: What should we do with the rest of our evening? I hear they're going to raze the Winter Mansion.
ANYA: Well, I thought we'd head on down to Madame Dubasov's. No better spot for vengeance than a brothel.
HALFREK: Oh, it's always work, work, work with you.
ANYA: Well, of course. What else is there?
HALFREK: What else is there? Why, the whole world, for one. Darling, take a look around. There's a lot to see. There's a revolution going on outside that you are somewhat responsible for. Aren't you the teeniest bit interested?
ANYA: Well, what is there to be interested in? The worker will overthrow absolutism and lead the proletariat to a victorious communist revolution, resulting in socio-economic paradise on earth. It's common sense, really. I have better things to worry about.
HALFREK: But, Anyanka, there's a whole world out there!
ANYA: Yes, filled with wronged women who need my help.
HALFREK: Oh, but you're talking work.
ANYA: I'm talking about life. Vengeance is what I do, Halfrek. I don't need anything else. Vengeance is what I am.
written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at: