Giles suggests Beljoxa's Eye
from Showtime (Season 7)
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GILES: (to Buffy) Everything all right?

BUFFY: She had a welcoming committee.

XANDER: So, The First knows potential slayers are making their way here?

GILES: I must warn the coven to be cautious.

BUFFY: The First's always gonna be one step ahead of us, Giles. I need to know how to stop it. No, not stop it, hurt it. I want to hurt it real bad. Tell me how.

GILES: I?I don't know, Buffy. I've exhausted all the sources I have left with little result. The Watcher's records are still really all we have to go on.

ANYA: I made the rounds myself. Tried to dig up anything useful from the demon community.

XANDER: They're a community now? What's next, the Ladies' Auxiliary?

ANYA: The ones that didn't attack me, didn't know anything or didn't talk. Either way, we've got squat.

BUFFY: Well, squat's not gonna cut it. What about the Turok-Han?

XANDER: The vampire time forgot?

BUFFY: Time may have forgotten him, but I sure won't. We know stakes don't kill it, but anything in those ancient books about what does? Sunlight, fire, germs?

ANDREW: So, Giles, with that thing guarding the entrance to The First's crib, how will Buffy get to Spike?

BUFFY: I really hate to admit this, but he's not wrong. There's no way we'll be able to help Spike until that thing is out of the way.

EVE: Spike? Sorry, I'm confused. He's that vampire who's been killing people, right? He's the one you're worried about helping?

BUFFY: (flumoxed) Well, we need him to?he's the one that's been?it's complicated, Chloe.

CHLOE: I'm Chloe, she's Eve.

EVE: It's just, well, we've been talking, and do we have some kind of plan? You know, any kind of plan to keep us from dying?

BUFFY: We're working on it.

GILES: There is one avenue that we haven't tried yet?

ANYA: Giles!

GILES: Beljoxa's Eye.

XANDER: And exactly what part of town is that avenue in?

ANYA: I told you no!

BUFFY: Wh-what is Botox's eye?

GILES: Beljoxa's Eye. It's an oracle type creature that exists in a dark dimension.

ANYA: Internal vortex more like.


ANYA: Not really, no.

GILES: The point is, only demons can open the gateway to it.

ANYA: Excuse me, ex-demon here.

GILES: You're still friends in the fold. Murderous acquaintances, anyway.

ANYA: Look, there's no reason to think this Beljoxa's Eye will have any of the answers we're looking for.

BUFFY: I'll take anything I can get. Anya, please, we're running out of time. Spike's running out of time.

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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