Cordelia: Why'd I ever let you talk me into coming here?
from Reptile Boy (Season 2)
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CORDELIA: Buffy? Where are we?

BUFFY: In the basement, far as I can tell.

CORDELIA: What's happening? What did they do to us?

BUFFY: They drugged us.

CORDELIA: Why? What are they gonna do to us?

BUFFY: I don't know.

CORDELIA: (whines) I wanna go home.

Callie: No one's going home. Ever. Look, one of them's different than the others. Nicer.

BUFFY: (whispers) Tom.

Callie: He's the one to watch out for.

Tom: She's last.

CORDELIA: Last? For what? Who's first?! Answer me! Who's first?!

BUFFY: Three stones. (looks at Cordelia and Callie) Three of us.

CORDELIA: (beginning to panic) Buffy...

BUFFY: Stay calm. We'll get outta this.

CORDELIA: Why'd I ever let you talk me into coming here?

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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