Nancy to Xander: I'm hitting on you
from Beneath You (Season 7)
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NANCY: Boy, I still can't believe this is happening. I mean even with this town's reputation for, you know, unexplained weirdness.

XANDER: Right. Sunnydale: come for the food, stay for the dismemberment.

NANCY: There's good food? Well... Thanks. And that's a couple of levels of lameness right there, me saying "thanks" after everything you've done for me tonight.

XANDER: Well, you could slip me a twenty, but then I'd have to act all offended.

NANCY: Got it. So, um, you think I might instead give you a call sometime?

XANDER: Just to check in?

NANCY: No, actually, I'm hitting on you.

XANDER: Even better. I'm very listed.

NANCY: And I'm really pushy, so that works out well, then. Good night.

XANDER: Uh, Nancy... I just got a swell idea... run!

(Tremors demon tries to eat them, fails)


NANCY: I just...

XANDER: Dumb question. Are you injured? Are you hurt?

NANCY: I don't think so. I just--I don't think I can take any more of this.

XANDER: Two attacks in the same night. I'm starting to think it's not coincidence.

NANCY: Oh, sure. Why not? A monster trying to kill me. It's just the thing that was missing to make my life absolutely perfect. Uhh! Ronnie would love this. Boy!

XANDER: Right. Who's Ronnie?

NANCY: Oh, um, only my psycho ex-boyfriend that I've been trying to get rid of for the past few weeks. I almost prefer the monster. Ronnie was, um... trouble.

XANDER: Uh-huh. And I'm just curious. Was this Ronnie guy a borrowing money kind of trouble or was he a raising demon trouble kind of guy?

NANCY: Ronnie? He couldn't. He just... "he was an abusive bastard" is the catchy headline. And he'd just show up, even after... you know the feeling that you get when your ex is constantly ruining every part of your life, and it just doesn't stop?


NANCY: And you get so tired of feeling helpless that all you can do is just wish that it would stop?


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written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. Action descriptions & formatting edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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