Anya: Are we there yet?
from Spiral (Season 5)
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(inside RV)

ANYA: Shouldn't somebody be asking, Are we there yet? (to Xander) Isn't that what small entertaining children do?

(Willow ignores her. Xander doesn't reply. He looks ill.)

DAWN: That kinda only works if you know where you're going.

ANYA: Do we know where we're going yet?

SPIKE: We'd already be somewhere if Captain Slow Poke would give up the wheel. Hey gramps, bloody step on it!

GILES: Step on what? I've driven tricycles with more power.

XANDER: Is anybody else queasy?

ANYA: He doesn't travel well. He's like fine shrimp.

SPIKE: (to Dawn) I shoulda nicked that porsche I had my eye on. Just enough room for you me and big sis. (to Xander) What?

XANDER: Would you give it a rest or...

SPIKE: Or what? You gonna toss your cookies on my shoes?

XANDER: Or you can be Undead Man Walking. See how fast you can hitch a ride with a flaming thumb.

SPIKE: Fine... (under his breath) shrimp.

XANDER: (to Giles) That guy is blood-sucking the last nerve right out of me.

GILES: Well, Buffy has a point. In a confrontation, Spike may prove... useful.

XANDER: I don't know if Buffy's thinking too clear on that one. Or anything else right now. I've never seen her so...

GILES: She's been through more than her fair share of late. She just needs a chance to catch her breath. She'll be alright.

XANDER: yeah, she'll... yeah.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Typed the partial transcript of this episode myself. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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