What killed Emily?
from The Puppet Show (Season 1)
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BUFFY: Vampire?

GILES: Um, I think not.

BUFFY: Giles, share! What happened?

GILES: Her heart was removed.

WILLOW: Yikes!

BUFFY: Does that mean anything to you? Besides ooooooo?

GILES: Uh... There are various demons which, which feed off human hearts, but...

BUFFY: But demons have claws. And teeth.

XANDER: They got no use for a big old knife.

GILES: Which more than likely makes our murderer...

BUFFY: Human.

XANDER: Did I mention that I *hate* this school?

WILLOW: So Emily was killed by a regular human person.

GILES: The evidence certainly points that way.

BUFFY: No, wait. I-I'm not buying, you guys. Remember the Hellmouth? Mystical activity is totally rife here. This to me says demon.

GILES: I'd like to think you're right. A demon is a creature of evil, pure and very simple. A person driven to kill is, is, um, it's more complex.

WILLOW: The creep factor is also heightened. It could be anyone. It could be me! (gets looks from them all) It's not, though.

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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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