Anya: Can I just say... Men!
from The Wish (Season 3)
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ANYA: (smiles) Hey.

CORDELIA: Go ahead. Dazzle me with your oh-so-brilliant insults. Just join the club.

ANYA: Hardly. Uh, actually, I've been looking for you. Ever since we met this morning, I was, like, thank God there's one other person in this town who actually reads W.

CORDELIA: But Harmony...

ANYA: Oh, she follows me around. If that girl had an original thought, her head would explode.

CORDELIA: (notices Anya's pendant) Is that Gucci?

ANYA: Um... no. It's an actual old thing, sort of a, um... good luck charm my dad gave me.

CORDELIA: Too bad I didn't have one of those pre-Xander.

ANYA: Can I just say... Men.

CORDELIA: Second it.

ANYA: Apart from being without class, the guy's obviously blind. Deserves whatever he gets.

CORDELIA: I'm not even thinking about him. I am past it. I am living my life.

ANYA: Still, I mean... Don't you kinda wish...

CORDELIA: I don't wish. I act. Starting now, Xander Harris is gonna get a bellyful of just how over him I am.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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