Xander: I messed up real bad
from Normal Again (Season 6)
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XANDER: Hi. I'm back.

WILLOW: Xander?

BUFFY: Xander?

(they hug him)

WILLOW: Xander you're here! We missed you. Where were you?

XANDER: I know, I tried calling, but I couldn't without...

BUFFY: Hey, you don't need to explain to us.

XANDER: Right. Is she here?

WILLOW: Oh... no. You wanna find her?

XANDER: I need to. Her suitcase is gone and some of her stuff. And there's a closed sign on the Magic Box which, like, chills me to the bone.

WILLOW: She left a couple of days ago.

XANDER: Was she looking for me? Before she left, did she say anything?

WILLOW: You mean between sobs? There was mostly just wheezing.

BUFFY: She was a little... she was kinda broken.

XANDER: I don't know how stuff got so mixed up. I blew it!

BUFFY: No! Well, maybe it wasn't the best time to break up with her...

XANDER: No, it wasn't about breaking up. I love her and God, I miss her so much!

WILLOW: So you left her at the alter but you still wanna..

BUFFY: ... you still wanna date?

XANDER: I guess. I know that I'm a better person with her in my life. But things got so complicated with the wedding and with my family and her demons and what if it all goes to hell and forever? But then I left and ever since I've had this painful hole inside. And I'm the idiot that dug it out. I screwed up real bad.

BUFFY: Hey, we all screw up.

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written by: Diego Gutierrez; Got tired of waiting to find a complete transcript to copy-paste from, so I typed these up myself.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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