Wesley: This is an ancient sacred text, not a magic eight ball.
from To Shanshu in L.A. (Season 1)
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WESLEY: "Shanshu." "Shanshu." Or maybe it's "Shushan."

CORDELIA: Are you still trying to figure out that word? What's taking so long?

WESLEY: Gee, I don't know, Cordelia. The prophecies of Aberjian were only written over the last 4,000 years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human! Why don't we just get a Falanjoid demon in here, suck the brain out of my skull. Maybe that would speed things up! (sighs)

CORDELIA: He sure gets testy when he's translating.

WESLEY: This word is *pivotal* to what it prophesies about the vampire with a soul.

CORDELIA: Well, hurry up and figure out what it says about Angel, 'cause - I wanna know what it says about me. If there's torrid romance in my future - massive wealth? If I have to I'll settle for enviable fame.

WESLEY: It's an ancient sacred text, not a magic eight ball.

CORDELIA: Nobody gets my humor.

ANGEL: I thought it was funny.



CORDELIA: Hey guys? Remember born-again lawyer-boy who wanted out of Wolfram & Hart so bad?

ANGEL: Lindsey?

CORDELIA: They just promoted him. Junior partner.

WESLEY: After all you did for him - he sells his soul for thirty pieces of silver.

CORDELIA: Actually he sold it for a six-figure salary and a full benefits package.

WESLEY: It's disappointing. He had an opportunity to change.

ANGEL: He didn't take it.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by Cerd_gwenn. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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