Harmony: the special ops team already left for the school.
from Conviction (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

KEEL: Your honor, the defense objects to this entire line of questioning.

JUDGE: Yes, of course the defense objects. The defense always objects. I'm curious, Mr. Keel, is it just the sound of people talking that offends you?

KEEL: We still feel that this line of...

(Lorne steps out of the courtroom)

LORNE: (via cell) Angel toes, Lorne. Hey, listen, I'm gonna go ahead and recommend we get that boy into isolation pronto.

ANGEL: How long do we have?

LORNE: The defense is drawing it out, but the judge is making merry sport of them, and, well, now the jury's looking at Fries like he's O.J... without the commanding performance in Towering Inferno.

ANGEL: Do you think he's gonna say the word?

LORNE: Before they even deliver the verdict. He's dead meat, and he knows it. I think Fries, Junior, is about to become Patient Zero.

ANGEL: All right. Thanks. Uh, I'll get to the school. Stay in there.

HAUSER: (who's been tapping the phone call) OK. Let's show the new boss how a threat is contained.

AGENT: Terminate the kid?

HAUSER: This is a level one, possible contagion. We take out the kid, the class, anyone within 50 yards. A clean sweep, people. No survivors, no witnesses.

(upstairs in Angel's office)

WESLEY: Fred's got the lab techs on track for an antidote, but it could be days. Same with removing the mystical container, I'm afraid. If we could get them to suspend the trial—

ANGEL: Not gonna happen. I gotta get to the school.

HARMONY: Uh, boss?

ANGEL: It can wait.

HARMONY: Maybe not.

ANGEL: (to Wesley) Go to the courthouse. Plan C. I'll let you know when I've isolated the boy.

HARMONY: The special ops team already left for the school.

ANGEL: What?

HARMONY: They left, and they called for the cleaners to meet there. I have it from some of the girls cleaners means a big job. Lots of bodies.

ANGEL: How long ago?

HARMONY: 10 minutes.

WESLEY: You'll never beat them on the street.

ANGEL: Well, I gotta try.

HARMONY: Um, boss?

ANGEL & WESLEY: (simultaneously) What?!

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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