Cordy: I might want to prositute myself to billionaire David Nabbit
from War Zone (Season 1)
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WESLEY: (taking his whip-cream covered drink from a vendor) I asked for a coffee. I know it must be in here someplace. You all right? You haven't said two words since we left the office.

CORDELIA: Oh, I was just thinking about those kids.

WESLEY: Yes. That place was pretty awful.

CORDELIA: I thought my first apartment was bad. Can you believe people actually live there?

WESLEY: Well, it certainly gives one a sense of perspective, doesn't it?

CORDELIA: Yes, it does. And I think, prespectively speaking, I might want to prostitute myself to billionaire David Nabbit.

WESLEY: (coughing) Cordelia.

CORDELIA: What I mean is - he's a nice guy who wants companionship. I could use some security. So when I say 'prostitute' what I mean is...

WESLEY: Prostitute.

CORDELIA: For instance.

WESLEY: Do you think you really could?

CORDELIA: I don't know. I could probably learn to love him. Looks aren't everything - or chemistry - personality, that's important. And except for a lot of other - It's not what's on the outside that - Yeah. Never mind. I'm *fine* here. Poor, alone.

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written by: David Straiton; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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